Romania - 2007


In Romania, we were advised by Childlife International of a desperate need. There is a hospital for special children located in Gradinari, the county of Giurgiu, managed by Dr. Teodora Avram who has run this Hospital for a number of years. Frank Bullock, of Childlife International, who has visited this hospital in the past and met Ms. Avram, indicated that the Gradinari facility currently shelters 40 children. A similar place in Tantavele offers a place for 120 adults with disabilities. Both of these places, a total of 160 people, are in desperate need of food.

We received a desperate call from the administrator of Gradinari centre (Mr. Stefan Tudor), pleading for help for basic food. He told us that they are almost out of food with only a few chicken legs left for the children to eat. The lack of food and medication has been going on for a long time, getting worse in the last months.

The problem was the village depended upon poultry and gardens. Due to the Bird Flu epidemic last year, all poultry was seized and destroyed by the government without compensations or replacement. And with the severe drought this year the gardens did not grow. The Village is comprised of mostly elderly and handicapped who cannot work to buy food once the gardens and chickens were wiped out.

Caleb Ministry provided $1,500.00 for emergency trucking of 6 tons of food from the Suceavea warehouses of Childlife International to this remote village. Also, our Braila Ministry trucked in 400 pounds of fresh food the day we learned of the need.  The Village now has enough for 6 to 8 months.

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Loading Container for Flood Relief - June, 2007






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Romania - 2006
Romania - 2008
Romania - 2009
Romania - 2010
Romania - 2011
Romania - 2012
Romania - 2013
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